Lifestyle19 January 2024
It is getting HOT out there! I’ll be honest, I love the heat and summer is definitely my season. Key to having a comfortable, stylish, and safe summer is ticking off the essentials. Here are my tips and favourite finds for a summer that you’ll remember for all the right reasons!
- Cool clothing
Cotton – and all its natural fibre cousins – is your friend as the heat goes on. If you’re looking for comfort and to feel as cool as you look, natural fibres will let heat out, air in and minimise sweat and chafing. Double down on the comfort with looser fitting styles and celebrate the season with bright colours and fun accents.
- Slip, slap, slop, and wrap
The Kiwi sun is welcome – but damaging. Protect yourself with slip, slop, slap, and wrap. Slip on a shirt – or if you’re on the beach a cover-up. Better still, slip into the shade of a nearby tree or umbrella and try to avoid being outside and unprotected when the sun is at its strongest through the middle of the day. Slap on a hat. Look for a wide brim that also protects your ears (so caps are out). There are lots of gorgeous options available this season and the teens will love bucket hats from their favourite brands. Slop on some sunscreen. While some of your summer favourites can last for years, check the expiry on your sunscreen and, if like ours, it’s been living in a hot car glovebox, invest in a fresh pack. Your skin will thank you for it! Remember to reapply throughout the day. Wrap on some sunglasses. Add to the protection provided by your hat with sunglasses for the whole family. Check the label to make sure that their UV protection is as good as their looks.
- Hydration
If there was ever a time to drink the water you’re supposed to, this is it! As well as the year-long benefits to your skin, hair, and organs, in summer the risk of dehydration is increased, leading to headaches, dizziness and tiredness, none of which sounds like a fun summer to me! If you’re not a big fan of drinking water, motivate yourself with a new drink bottle (I love the insulated ones!) and keep it with you wherever you go, put a reminder on your phone or give yourself the VIP treatment by adding lemon, lime, or berries to your bottle for a flavour boost.

- Water wisdom
So many of us head out to make a splash as the weather heats up. But we have a truly terrifying level of drownings and water-related accidents and injuries. Make sure the whole family knows how to swim with lessons at your local pool, always swim sober – and with a friend (or six!) and wear a life jacket if you’re heading out on the boat.
- Make space for mindfulness
The relaxed days of summer – and the new year – are a great time to make this year the year of your best mental wellbeing ever. Research suggests that when we intentionally practise being mindful, we feel less stressed, anxious and depressed, and more balanced and calm. That sounds exactly what I’m looking for this summer! Simply stop for a moment and take notice of what’s going on around you – what you see, hear, smell, and feel, the incredible details you might overlook. For me, it can be as simple as taking my headphones off when walking – it’s really that easy! For more tips on being mindful, no matter the season, check out the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand website: How to be more mindful | Mental Health Foundation
Happy summer! Don’t forget to take a moment to enjoy it!