Colour My Style FAQs

How do you determine my colour palette? 

Using your photo, the technology behind Colour My Style looks at your hair colour, eye colour and skin tone and makes the recommendation on the best colour palette for you. You can retake your photo as many times as needed until you are happy with it and remember things like lighting may affect your results.

Where have the colour palettes come from?

We have worked with leading stylist Caitlyn Taylor (#chasingcait) to create our Spring 2024 colour palettes.

Colours work on two sliding scales, one talks to the TONE of the colour – warm to cool. This refers to the base tone in the colour (warm = yellow, blue = cool). Every colour has many tones, both warm and cool.

The second sliding scale is the INTENSITY of the colour – muted to dominant. This refers to the amount of pigment in the colour, and how intense it is (which doesn’t always mean its brightness though)

Everyone’s natural colouring will have both a TONE and INTENSITY of colours that works best on them, and that’s how we work out someone’s colour palette.

Once you have identified which palette works best for you then you can find out more about your palette direct from Caitlyn here…

I saw a product I like and now can’t find it again?

Product is randomised and delivered differently every time Colour My Style is used so you should see different product every time. You can heart the product that interests you and use the link we email you to revisit your favourites list.

Can I see fashion in the other colour palettes?

Yes, simply click the arrows at the bottom of your colour palette and it will take you through to the others.